IPI Logo - Building Brighter Futures

IPI's products and services may be purchased only by governmental agencies, school districts, non-profit groups and employees of these organizations. 

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Specialty Products

IPI offers a variety of specialty products customized to your specific needs.

Design & Layout Services
Design, layout and typesetting services are available for printed pieces, awards, signs or any other graphical piece that we produce. Offender workers in the IPI's shops are trained to create professional layouts that are both functional and eye-catching.

File Formats
If you have prepared your own layouts, IPI accepts files from the following programs:

  • Adobe Acrobat®
  • Adobe InDesign®
  • Adobe Pagemaker®
  • Adobe Photoshop®
  • Microsoft Office®
  • Microsoft Publisher®
  • Adobe Illustrator®
  • Corel Draw®

As software changes frequently, please contact us to ensure compatibility with our systems.

Acceptable Media
IPI accepts files from the following media:

We can also convert a hard copy of your file if necessary.

For more information on supplying artwork or utilizing IPI’s design and layout services for your project, please contact Customer Service at 800-332-7922 or ipicustomerservice@iowa.gov.

Graphic Arts Shop

Graphic Arts Shop