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Rockwell City Plant

The IPI plant located at the North Central Correctional Facility in Rockwell City, open since 2006, mainly performs metal fabrication. Products and services include equipment refurbishing (snow plows, dump trucks, etc.), boat docks and park items.

Incarcerated individuals working in the Rockwell City plant are also able to work towards a welding certification. It typically takes the average individual 6 months of working at IPI to earn their certification, and about 12 individuals earn a certification annually. Welders are in demand in Iowa, and associates coming out of Rockwell City with a welding certification are well prepared for a career in welding.

The Rockwell City plant employs three IPI staff and an average of 30 inmates between traditional and private industries. The incarcerated workers also perform welding for private industries. For more information on the Rockwell City operation, please contact Plant Manager Clint Schmidt at 515-266-6913 or clint.schmidt@iowa.gov.